Questioning Beliefs

Beliefs & Stories

Discover the challenging yet rewarding journey of reevaluating personal beliefs and long-held convictions.

Have you ever reconsidered your beliefs? Questioned your basic understanding of the world? Doing so can be very disruptive.

I know too well how questioning your basic assumptions can destroy the life you are currently living. At the same time, doing so can lead to destinations and experiences that are too amazing and wonderful for you to imagine right now.

At one point in my life, I was a pastor in a conservative evangelical church in Orange County, CA. I believed in the God of the Bible. That I was born in sin, separate from God. That Jesus died to pay the penalty for my sins. That the Bible contained absolute truth, was wholly inspired by God, and held no errors.

As a result, I believed I knew "the truth." I had this world figured out. I had the key that unlocked how everything really worked.

But then I began to question my beliefs.

We were not actually helping people. I had members of our congregation come to me with extraordinary guilt to confess sins as simple as having a glass of wine every night with dinner.

This was horrible for me to hear. I hadn't signed up to be a pastor so I could make people miserable. Feeling guilty about having a glass of wine. Not drunkenness. Not adultery. Not murder. But a glass of wine? Jesus drank wine, didn't he?

All these confessions led to me asking questions. Where did the Bible come from? Are we really born in sin and separated from God? Would a loving God send people to hell for not accepting his love? And so many more questions that had answers I found insufficient or irrational.

I'm telling this story because as I write about the "Golden Lotus World," you will question your beliefs and stories about yourself, others, and the world.

At least, I hope you do.

And when you do question, disruption is bound to happen.

Disruption is wonderful. However, it can be painful. It can lead to beautiful experiences. Yet, those experiences maybe 10 years down the road.

So, please proceed with the series with caution.